University of Hawaii System
Education: Colleges and Universities in Honolulu HI
University of Hawaii System
Campus Explorer - Find Your Future
Education in Honolulu HI
Find your future in this top rated college search and information guide. Explore college and university degrees and programs, online schools, careers and certificate programs.
Campus Explorer - Find Your Future
Education: College Guides in Honolulu HI
Find the perfect degree program at the best school. Use the search tools on this site to locate the information you need to advance your education. With over 7,000 schools listed, you can learn about colleges and university programs and take the first step forward with your future goals.
Thomson Peterson's College Planning
Education in Honolulu HI
Thomson Peterson is is a leading provider of live, online and print educational solutions for students, families, schools and educators in the areas of test preparation, college and graduate school admissions, financial aid and career guidance. It offers college and grad school searches, online practice tests and instruction, and planning tools for securing financial aid.